Care Tips
Cultured pearls are natural products. Individually, each one for himself - but very sensitive. This one has a life long pleasure, a few care tips should be observed:
Cosmetics and chemical additives,
but also increased perspiration can affect gloss and sheen. Environmental factors hurt the pearls. Therefore, you should clean after wearing pearl jewelry with a soft cloth. To give the surface does not scratch, please keep your pearls separate from other harder jewelry in a soft case. We also recommend that you bring your pearls at least once a year to your jeweler or goldsmith, so he can clean it professionally. It examines the function of the clasp and detects when the chain are linked anew.
The polishing a pearl is not possible. There is the possibility of the Pearl TECHNICAL peeling, but this technique currently rules today, unfortunately, almost no one.
No oils, fats, creams, cosmetics and soaps!
No perfume, hairspray or hydrogen peroxide!
It is best to always create the pearl jewelry last!
It is so easy to get the value of your precious jewelry!