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Thursday, 30 June 2011

Old bracelet is melted

This bracelet is getting to a pendant. Here is to see first how it is melted. Further work process from the workshop, I will document with photos.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

clacking wedding rings

This slightly different wedding rings are based on an idea that I have already been implemented for a jewelry ring. Actually there are two separate rings that I have combined to form a ring. In this case, the ring, which lies directly on the finger of white gold in the 585's - alloy steel.
The fact that he has a convex shape, form a broad guide on which to the outer ring (here in yellow gold) to turn freely. The outer ring has so much space that it is a shaking of the ring clacking noise. Can solve the yellow gold ring will not work because its internal diameter is slightly smaller than the outside diameter of the edges of the white gold ring. As a bonus for the ladies, a small diamond ring has been caught. The customers had told me afterwards that it is fun to play with the ring on her finger.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Properties of pure silver

Anglo-Saxon: siolful (silver);

Symbol from Latin: argentum. Ag
Item from the first group of the periodic table
Atomic number 47
atomic weight 107.868
Density of 10.5 g / cm ³
Melting point 1234.93 K, 961.78 °C, 1763.2°F
Boiling point 2435 K, 2162 °C, 3924 °F
Brinell hardness HB 26
Ritz Mohs hardness: 2.7 (pure silver)
Color: clear white
most important sites: Russia, Mexico, Peru

Silver is a white metal which all other metals on the brightness
Color, conductivity

Friday, 3 June 2011

Famous Pearls

A famous pearl is the Pellegrina . This pearl was the beginning of the 19th Century to the Russian Jewellers Zosima to Moscow sold. Their exact origin is not known. However, it is possible that this is a rare jewel of the French crown jewels is that disappeared during the French Revolution. This pearl was missing, "Reine des Perles". It was silvery, round and weighed 5.6 g. A Pellegrina as designated by Perle appeared in London in 1935 an exhibition on. But she had the shape of a teardrop. It is still not known what the original Pellegrina Pearl has become the out. Whether it is information from Russia is not known to me.

E. Taylor with Pelegrina
In contrast, makes the history of another famous jewel, the Peregrina (Pilgrim)

Monday, 30 May 2011

Belt buckle in sterling silver with wood and gold

This oval belt buckle is in sterling silver work and fit into a 4 cm wide belt. It is simple and straightforward, and yet it works through the color contrast and the different surface structures in the metal. The dark brown tone of the ebony and the cool sheen of silver in the sunlight harmonize quite well. Focus is the polished wooden track in a frame of yellow gold (585 -).
I think that you can wear this buckle both with jeans and an elegant suit.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Wide plain silver ring with tourmaline

Here I present a 

, Simple, almost classical ring in silver with a tourmaline in a 585 / - before he replaced. The tourmaline is cut in cabochon and is centrally focus on the solid ring rail. The polished surface of the rail has a thin elongated structure in contrast to the text and the stone, with its beautiful clear color.
I personally like precious stones in cabochon actually more than faceted stones when they received only by their color appearance.

Additional information is available here for: http://de.dawanda.com/product/19570357-Breiter-Silberring-mit-Turmalin-in-Goldfassung

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Jewels from one of Britain's richest women on sale

This undated handout image released by auction house Christie's show a tiara, broach and bracelet that belonged to a 19th century woman Hannah Primrose once known as Britain's wealthiest, which is due to go for auction next month, Christie's auction house said Friday May 13, 2011. (AP Photo/Christie's Ho) EDITORIAL USE ONLY NO ARCHIVE NO SALES

LONDON — Still can't get enough of Britain's aristocratic headgear? Following hot on the heels of the royal wedding of Prinz William and Kate Middleton hatwalk, the crowning jewels of the country's once wealthiest woman are being offered for sale — a Victorian pearl-and-diamond tiara, bracelet, and brooch which auction house Christie's hopes will fetch as much as 1.9 million pounds ($3.1 million).
The opulent jewels once belonged to Hannah Primrose, a socially and politically active heiress whose husband Archibald Philip Primrose would

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Pendant with coconut and Pearl

Pendant 925 with cultured pearl and coconut
Because the surface of coconut unterschiedelich-design can be, depending on how far the surface will be removed, a pendant with a rough surface is here now.
It beautiful reflections of light created by an intensive polishing and in addition by varnish, which also protects the moisture the coconut pieces. This interface is combined with a cultured pearl colour as well as by their smooth surface makes a nice contrast to the dark coconut. The trailer is in 925 / - he worked silver.

For information: 925 / - he silver is indeed the same as what many consider sterling silver call.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Earrings white gold with diamonds

"But the wait has paid off" - these were the first words of a very delighted customer who planned on something as their new jewelry had to wait longer, unfortunately.
She had brought me old ear plugs, in which the diamonds in yellow gold were processed.
Studs 585 / - white gold with diamonds

These are diamonds weighing 0.25 ct and 0.08 ct .. This one has an idea of ​​the size, here the diameter of each of the diamonds: 0.25 ct have a diameter of 4 mm and 0.08 ct one of 2.7 mm. These diamonds are in simple but very bulbous versions 585 / - was set white gold frames and put together right. The result is simple but very effective ear plugs, which are actually to wear for every occasion. You would of course be feasible also in yellow gold.

Thursday, 19 May 2011


The name agate is derived from a river in Sicily, the Achates.
Agate is one of the group of crystals. Its Mohs hardness is 6.5-7. Like all quartz agate is silicon dioxide.

Agate is a concentric-shelled, striped chalcedony, which may well be crossed by Opalsubstanz. These ribbons are color coded or monotonous. The agates were found in Germany, pink, red and brown with gray liners. The agates, which are promoted in South America are usually gray and without striking
Drawing. Nevertheless, here today, the most important development areas (Uruguay, Brazil). This greyish agate can be chemically treated and are thus nachgefärbt in general. The Romans knew of the agate dyeing techniques.

Amethyst Geode
Agates are found as almond-shaped  or spherical inclusions in so-called geodes. These are partially or completely filled cavities. You can size from a few millimeters to several meters in scope. The striped pattern formed by rhythmic crystallization. The exact procedure is controversial. The individual agate bands vary in thickness. They retain their strength but usually in throughout the Geode. The interior of the Geode not completely filled with agate mass can thus formed in the cavity formed crystals. These are mostly rock crystal, amethyst or smoky quartz.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Very heavy gold ring for men

This was a remittance workt for a not so frugal Scots. He has described to me in conversation the idea of ​​his dream ring as clearly as possible. Then I made sketches and again talked to him about this. After the appearance of the ring was now quite clear and I told the customer that the ring must be cast, I made a rough model made of wax.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Care of Opal jewelery

Opal is a fragile gemstone. It has a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 and is located in the Mohs scale of hardness in the midfield. He should take but definitely at work. Otherwise, an opal holds for itself. But there are differences in the individual opaline (see elsewhere). General boulder are seen as the most resistant.

  1. Very important: The Opal will be worn. Opals are hydrated.
    By wearing the opal is always given a little moisture. Contact with skin ranges often already. Body fats, oils or even cosmetic damage the opal is not so much as is generally

Monday, 16 May 2011

Sapphire - gem of the corundum group

There are two color varieties of corundum. We distinguish the red ruby ​​and all other colors comprehensive sapphire. All common corundum, which will have no quality jewelry used for jewelry purposes and not used as an abrasive. Everyone is familiar with sandpaper, is used for fine-grained corundum.


The term sapphire (gr.blue) was formerly used for different stones. In part to the Middle Ages was understood to be sapphire today's most lapis lazuli. By 1800 it was recognized that constitute ruby ​​and sapphire gem qualities of corundum.
Padparadscha Sapphire
Today, sapphires which are not identified by a qualified blue word, such as yellow or green sapphire.
The name sapphire is always based only on the blue variant. Colorless Sapihre, which also serve as a diamond substitute, is known as Leukosaphir (large white). The term "Padparadscha means reddish to

What makes the value of a pearl?

The luster of the pearl should be the expert "chandeliers" and is a combination of the shimmering surface and the inner glow of the pearl dar. In any event the chandeliers are shiny and bright. On the surface, one should recognize their own mirror image. A dull or chalky white surface is always a sign of low quality.
The pearl's surface should be flat as possible. Indentations, scratches or stains even reduce the value. The smoother and smoother the surface, the more valuable the pearl.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

White gold bracelet with black sapphire

Suitable for a pendant the customer wanted a bracelet. To my knowledge, the trailer came from Morocco and was worked in silver. It was a trailer that is decorated with a wire cord. This cord wire I have in my entire bracelet again included. The customer was then processed in a stone bracelet in white gold. It is 585 / - it white gold.
The clip has a delicate and subtle through the open structure, although it is a rather large stone. The slightly grayish desWeißgolds (Paladiumweißgold) fits very nicely with the dark stone. I deal almost exclusively palladium white gold, because it may result in contrast to nickel white gold is not allergic reactions (nickel allergy).

From old gold to new ring

A customer had several rings that did not carry them anymore. These rings were used as scrap gold for a new production. They wanted a solid wide ring and had a clear idea that she could show me brought along by a photo from a brochure or catalog.
The ring should be 10 mm wide. I transferred the proportions of the original on this width. Thus, it was also clear how large the diamond, which should be incorporated, must be harmonized so that it visually and technically is tangible. Brilliant I ordered this in a very good quality and started to work.
The customer now has a very high quality new ring she fact that she had not the old gold by far had to pay as much. You need only pay the diamonds and the amount of work and finally had a ring - it would have had no scrap gold - around € 820.00 was less than without the old gold.
And above all, it has a ring on which they can enjoy for years.

Find out more about the Opal - Characteristics, types, care

OPAL fascinating nature

Opal: amorphous, hydrated silica, SiO 2 × nH 2 O.
manufactured in our own workshop with Boulder Opal Ring
The name Opal is derived from the ancient Indian word "upala" = stone. For many minerals lovers opal is the "king of gems. Opals developed since the turn of the previous century, a sought-after gem to gain in importance steadily. Popular was this Arch through the rainbow-like colors in its interior and on its surface. Depending on the angle and lighting changes colors, and seem to lie in different planes, which gives the stone occasionally a mysterious blur.
This so-called "opalescence" is produced by the internal structure of the gemstone itself. The resulting colors are therefore called structural colors. Opals are made of micro


Care Tips

Cultured pearls are natural products. Individually, each one for himself - but very sensitive. This one has a life long pleasure, a few care tips should be observed:
Cosmetics and chemical additives,
but also increased perspiration can affect gloss and sheen. Environmental factors hurt the pearls. Therefore, you should clean after wearing pearl jewelry with a soft cloth. To give the surface does not scratch, please keep your pearls separate from other harder jewelry in a soft case.
We also recommend that you bring your pearls at least once a year to your jeweler or goldsmith, so he can clean it professionally. It examines the function of the clasp and detects when the chain are linked anew.
The polishing a pearl is not possible. There is the possibility of the Pearl TECHNICAL peeling, but this technique currently rules today, unfortunately, almost no one.

No oils, fats, creams, cosmetics and soaps!
No perfume, hairspray or hydrogen peroxide!
It is best to always create the pearl jewelry last!
It is so easy to get the value of your precious jewelry!